Jan. 13, 1327

“Official Announcement” of the mayor, council, and municipal chief of Esslingen [Swabian Imperial City of Esslingen; Present-day Germany]: “[…] the Jews of Esslingen may not purchase and expand the size of their cemetery […], its current size is to remain the three ‘morgen’ acres*, which we have made available to them […]” [Researcher’s note: A “morgen” was a unit of measurement in Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, and the Dutch colonies, and varied anywhere from ½ to 2 ½ acres, or approx. 0.2 – 1 hectare. (‘die drie morgen ackers, die wir in gefriet haben’)]
Karlsruhe, GLA, Liber obligationum 1, fol. 79v, dt. (“Karlsruhe, G[eneral] L[and] A[rchive], Book of Obligations 1, fol. 79v, German”); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 3/12/2018 ADD PAGE #