ca. 1349 C.E.

[Possible/Probable] “Ordinance” issued by Archbishop Ernst von Pardubitz of Prague [Present-day Czech Republic] [Provisional]: “The appearance, [and] the similarity in the external appearances, which the Jews demonstrate with the Christians in [terms of] clothing, often leads to the danger that Christen men intermingle with Jewish women by mistake and Jews with Christian women. In order that such despicable incidences of such mixing on the pretext of error may no longer be excused […] we order that male Jews shall wear broad hats on their heads and not caps/hoods (‘breite Hüte und nicht Kapuzen’). The women, however, are to wear their hair over their foreheads in a high-coiffed (‘hochfrisiert’) manner under their veil. […] so that they may be distinguishable by such signs from the Christians at all times; if however, the Jews do not adopt such signs within two months of publication of these guidelines as of today, a church ban shall be placed on them and any intercourse/contact with Christians shall be forbidden to them […] and the Lord of each place who does not require such conduct from them shall be punished and the spiritual authority of the state or the village in which such Jews remain who are undistinguishable, shall impose an exclusion on them from all general religious activities until the Jews have obeyed this present order. […]”
Steinherz: Samuel: Jahrbuch – Der Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Juden in der Cechoslovakischen Republik; III Jahrgang; (2008); (Yearbook – The Society for the History of the Jews in the Czech Republic, III Year; (2008)); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 8/24/2017