May 31, 1377

“Privilege” issued to eighteen Swabian imperial cities by Wenceslaus [Holy Roman Empire/Free Imperial Cities of the Swabian Leagues of Cities; Present-day Germany, Switzerland]: “We, Wenceslaus (‘Wenczlaw’), Roman king by the grace of God, […] announce herewith and let it be known with this letter [that we renew the privileges given to …] the cities: Ulm, Konstanz, Esslingen, Reutlingen, Rottweil, Überlingen, Memmingen, Biberach [an der Riss], Ravensburg, Lindau, St. Gallen, Kempten, Kaufbeuren, Leutkirch and Isny [im Allgäu], Buchhorn [and confirm their independence/freedom and promise not to move/exchange, sell, or let it expire … and transfer all common taxes, including those due from Jews to these cities …]. [Researcher’s note: Transferring jurisdiction over Jews to the individual cities meant that these could then tax Jew as they saw fit.]
Deutsche Reichstagsacten unter König Wenzel. Erster Band. Erste Abteilung. 1376-1387. Herausgegeben von Julius Weizsäcker. (München; 1867); (German Parliamentary Files/Documents of King Wenceslaus. First Volume. First section. 1376-1387); Munich; 1867; Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 5/14/2020 ADD PAGE #