Nov. 26, 1380

“Written Order” issued by Duke Albrecht III [Duchy of Austria; Present-day Austria]: “[…] We order, with grace, our Jews from Newnburg […] and our other Jews from Vienna […] that this wall is to be – and to remain – sealed off […] and it is not to be used now or at a later time as a passage […] and that the gate is not to be entrusted to the above mentioned Jews.” [Researcher’s note: Albrecht ordered to have a wall erected that would seal off the gate that permitted Jews access to their Jewish Quarters.]
Quellen and Forschungen zur Geschichte der Juden in Deutsch-Österreich (Band II); (1909) (Sources and Researches to the History of the Jews in German[y]/Austria (Volume II)); Researched by Ziba Shadjaani 11/10/2016 ADD PAGE #