Jan. 12, 1412

Laws of King John (Juan) II of Castile [Kingdom of Castile and Leon; Present-day Spain, France] [Provisional]: “1. That all Jews of my kingdoms and dominions reside and live apart from Christians, in an enclosure in a part of the city, town or village, where they are resident; and the streets around it shall be closed with gates in such a manner, that all the gates lead to the enclosure […] 2. Furthermore, I ordain and command, that no Jews or Jewesses shall be spice dealers, apothecaries, surgeons, or physicians, or sell bread, wine, flour, oil, butter, or other eatables to Jews or Christians, or keep warehouses, shops, or tables for selling, either publicly or secretly, except for the disposal of grapes, live stock (that they have a license for), as well as fruit and vegetables, the produce of their own or hired gardens…Any Jews or Jewesses whomsoever who act contrary hereto, shall incur the penalty of 500 maravedis for each offence, besides the corporal punishment my pleasure may choose to inflict, that they may learn to perform my order […]. 4. I likewise ordain and command, that the Jews and Jewesses are not to eat with Christians, nor Christians among Jews and Jewesses […]. 7. Furthermore I ordain and order, that no Jews or Jewesses shall be brokers or bankers, or carry swords, daggers, or similar arms, in the cities, towns, and places of my kingdoms; but they may carry knives to cut food. Any Jew or Jewess who acts contrary hereto, or to any part hereof, shall be fined for each time offending 500 maravedis. 11. Furthermore I ordain and command, that no Jew or Jewess shall be styled, either in writing or verbally, don or donna: if by consent they are so called, for each time they are to pay a fine of 500 maravedis, but otherwise they incur no penalty. 13. Furthermore I ordain and command, that all Jews in my kingdoms shall wear over their clothes coats with skirts, and shall not wear cloaks; and in the cities, towns, and places where they reside, they shall wear the customary red sign or badge; but it is my pleasure, that in traveling, as well on the road as in the places they go to, they may wear the clothes they now have, to avoid the dangers they might otherwise encounter. 15. Furthermore I ordain and command, that none of the Jews of my kingdoms and dominions shall shave, or have their beards shaved with razors; but they may cut them with scissors […]. 19. Furthermore I ordain and command, that no Jew is to be a tailor, or make dresses for any Christian woman, of whatever rank or condition she may be […].” [Researcher’s note: *The exact date of this law is unknown.]
Lindo, E. H.: The History of the Jews of Spain and Portugal, from the Earliest Times to Their Final Expulsion from Those Kingdoms and Their Subsequent Dispersion; (London); Researched by Ziba Shajdaani 11/28/2016 ADD PAGE #