ca. 1415

[Possible/Probable] Papal Bull by Pope Benedict XIII [Present-day Spain] (Needs full date): “2. Jews are to be punished and convicted of blasphemy for reading or listening to slanderous works written about Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary… 3. Jews will be punished who speak ill of our Lord Jesus Christ, his mother the Virgin Mary, any of the saints, any of our sacraments… 5. It is prohibitted to Jews to build new synagogues or repair old ones… 6. Jews of either sex are not permitted to be practicing doctors, surgeons, apothecary, merchant… 7. In order to prevent communion between Jews and Christians, we order that our loyal princes…designate areas for Jews to inhabit…”
De Los Rios, Historia Social, Politica, y Religiosa de los Judios de Espana y Portugal, v. 2, 1876: 627-653, Researched and Translated by Joan Paez 2/12/2016