Oct. 2, 1421

“Writ” of King Sigismund (‘Sigmund’) to the citizens of [Budweis] [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “Sigismund (‘Sigmund’), Roman King by the grace of God, […] Dear Loyalist! Since you have pleaded with us, that we shall free you of the debts which you owe to the Jews – our chamber servants – We let you know herewith, that We have decided to move to Bohemia, [… and to fulfill your wishes …].” [Researcher’s note: Sigismund continues to say that he will accede to all of their other wishes regarding the Jews and that he will look for other ways to reward them for their loyalty. This document is signed in Bratislava, or what was knows as Pozsony/Pressburg up until 1919. The original can be found in the Archives of the City of [Budweis].]
Urkundliche Beiträge zur Geschichte des Hussitenkreises vom Jahre 1419 an. Gesammelt und herausgegeben von Franz Palacky. I Band. Von den Jahren 1419-1428. (Prag; 1873); ([Legally] documented contributions to the history of the Hussites starting from 1419 and on. Collected and published by Franz Palacky. Volume I. From 1419-1428.); (Prague; 1873); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 4/26/2019 ADD PAGE #