Apr. 25, 1422

“Treaty” signed by Bishop of Würzburg, Johann von Brunn, Bishop of Bamberg, Albrecht von Wertheim, Margraves Friedrich VI von Brandenburg and Johann II von Brandenburg [Present-day Germany]: “[…] and henceforth, we want and shall not allow the Jewry to live in our castles, cities, markets, and villages […] and we do not wish to permit them to live and settle in our land here in Franconia. […]” [Researcher’s note: Some historians (Heffner; Fichtl; Müller) believe that part of the agreement was to capture all Jews within their territories, to rob them of their promissory notes and pledges, and to release them only after a (60,000 Gulden) ransom had been paid.]
Juden in Bamberg: Ein Kurzer historischer Abriss der Geschichte jüdischen Lebens in Fürstbistum Bamberg (“Jews in Bamberg: A Brief Historical Outline of the History of Jewish Life in the Principality/Bishopric of Bamberg”); Accessed online; Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 3/6/2018 ADD PAGE #