Sept. 11, 1422

“Order” issued by Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund and addressed to Margrave of Baden [Holy Roman Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Switzerland]: “[…] for the purpose of eradicating heresy in Bohemia [Sigismund orders the Margrave of Baden to require] all Jews in the Roman Empire, especially in Swabia, and by Lake Constance, within the confederacy (‘unter den Eidgenossen)*, in Alsace and on both sides of the Rheine [river] all the way up to Cologne, to collect a third [penny] from all of their goods/possessions.” [Researcher’s note: Eidgenossenschaft – which literally means “oath fellowship” — appears to have referred to the territory composed of the Old Swiss Confederacy.]
Zeitschrift für die Geschichte des Oberrheins. Neue Folge. Band III. (“Repository of the History of the Upper Rhine.  New issue.  Volume III.”); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 12/16/2018 ADD PAGE #