ca. 1429

[Possible/Probable] “Rescript” issued by Emperor Sigismund, 1429 [Present-day Germany] [Provisional]: “We, Sigismund, […] permit the city of Schweinfurt to settle Jews and Jewess – our royal chamber servants – for 20 years and to tax and punish them – [… however, in such a way] so that the taxes be used for the benefit of the city […] and for the reduction of its debt. […]” [Researcher’s note: This rescript was issued so that the Jewry could (help) pay off the 30,000 Gulden levy placed on the city in order to be become part of the empire.]
Chronik der Stadt Schweinfurt, herausgegeben von Heinrich Christian Beck, Pfarrer zu Schweinfurt und ordentlichem Mitglied des historischen Vereins für Unterfranken und Aschaffenburg. Zweiter Band. Die Zeiten vom Ausgang des 30jährigen Krieges bis sum gegenwärtigen Jahrhundert; zweiter Abtheilung (“Chronicle of the City of Schweinfurt, edited/published by Heinrich Christian Beck, Pastor and Proper Member of the Historical Association of Lower Franconia and Aschaffenburg. Second Volume. The Times from the End of the 30-Year War to the Present Century; second division”); (Schweinfurt; 1841); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 3/8/2018