Nov. 21, 1444

“Charter” (‘Freibrief’) of Johann II, Bishop of Würzburg [Bishopric of Würzburg; Present-day Germany]: “We, Johann […] announce to all, […] that we have graciously granted the Jewry who [already] live in our land or will settle [here …] and who come or will come to an agreement with us and our successors these freedoms, which will be valid for the next eight years […] and are confirmed with the seal of our chapter: So, we vow with this letter […] that any Jew or Jewess […] who is [already] in our Stift [a territory in the Holy Roman Empire that enjoyed the status of a free imperial state] or moves [here…] that they may be exempt from any levies, except [they must] pay the so-called Jewish tax [every 6 months]. […] We shall and will not hold back the aforementioned Jewry – Jews and Jewesses – who do not or will not come to an agreement with us [from moving away … ] nor will we allow them to live [here] and to enjoy our grace and freedoms […] the aforementioned Jewry must pay and submit to us and our successors their annual levies and taxes (‘gulte vun zinsse’) during the aforesaid eight years starting this Saint Margaret’s Day […]”
Die Juden in Franken.  Ein unpartheiischer Beitrag zur Sitten- und Rechtsgeschichte Frankens von Dr. Ludwig Heffner, praktischer Arzt zu Würzburg, Konservater des historischen Vereins daselbst. Mit 29 Urkunden-Beilagen. (Nürnberg; 1855); (Jews in Frankonia. An Non-Partisan Contribution Regarding the Moral and Legal History of Franconia by Dr. med. Ludwig Heffner, practical physician to Würzburg, Conservator of the Historical Association there (of the same city). With 29 [Official] Documents Attached.); (Nuremberg; 1855); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 3/5/2018 ADD PAGE #