Apr. 2, 1448

“Forced Declaration” from Jews held captive by the Magistrate of Constance [Prince-Bishopric of Constance; Present-day Germany]: “Jews held captive since 1443 by the Magistrate of Constance declare [via this document] not to seek any compensation/restitutions whatsoever after their release.” [Researcher’s note: The text also mentions that all Jews present vouch for an absent ill Jew. The above is translation of a summary of the original document. It can be found in its entirely at the Generallandesarchiv (“Main[State]Archive”) Karlsruhe 5 No. 7701.]
Landesarchiv Baden-Würtemberg – Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe Nr. 5 7701; (“State Archives Baden-Würtemberg – Generallandarchive Karlsruhe No. 7701”); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 10/1/2018 ADD PAGE #