Oct. 7, 1462

“Papal Permission” issued by Pope Pius II to the City of Frankfurt at Main [Free Imperial City of Frankfurt; Present-day Germany]: “[We,] Bishop Pius, servant of God, chosen son and captain of […] the citizens and […] diocese of the [free] imperial city of Frankfurt […] give permission to the city of Frankfurt to relocate the apartments/housings and the synagogue of the Jews [to a remote location …] since their current location – near [Saint] Bartholomew church – is an insult to the Christian faith. […]”
Stern, Moritz: Urkundliche Beiträge über die Stellung der Päpste zu den Juden. Mit Benutzung des Päpstlichen Geheimarchivs zu Rom (“Officially Documented Contributions on the Positions of the Popes to the Jews.  With the Utilization of the Pontifical Secret Archives in Rome’); (Kiel; 1893); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 3/11/2018 ADD PAGE #