Oct. 9, 1467

Edict, issued by Adolf II, Archbishop of Mainz [Present-day Germany]: “We hereby declare that Our Jews in the City of Mainz may use the Jewish graveyard outside the city for three years, beginning this Christmas Day. To that end, any Jew who dies before the age of thirteen years shall pay one guilder, whereas a dead Jew over the age of thirteen shall pay two guilders, with the exception of those Jews who had subsisted on alms. In addition, the Jewish elders of Mainz shall pay twenty Rhenish guilders to Our tax chamber for each of the aforementioned three years.”
Schaab, Carl Anton. Diplomatische Geschichte der Juden zu Mainz und dessen Umgebung, mit Berücksichtigung ihres Rechtszustandes in den verschiedenen Epochen [Diplomatic History of the Jews in Mainz and its surroundings, under consideration of their legal situation across the various epochs]. Zabern: Mainz, 1855. Page 124. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 8/6/2020