Aug. 12, 1470

“Writ” of Archbishop Adolph II of Nassau [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Mainz]: “[…gives a number of named Jews permission to stay until Saint Michael’s Day…] however, in that year, the aforementioned Jews may not lend money on interest […] nor pursue any trade and must leave the city of Mainz before the stated deadline […]”
Diplomatische Geschichte der Juden zu Mainz und dessen Umgebung, mit Berücksichtigung ihres Rechtszustandes in the verschiedenen Epochen. Aus größtenteils ungedruckten Urkunden bearbeitet von K. A. Schaab, b. R. Dr., Vicepräsident des vormaligen Großh. Kreisgerichts zu Mainz, Ritter des Großh. Hessen Ludwigsordens 1r Klasse. (Mainz; 1855); (Diplomatic History of Jew in Mainz and its surroundings, taking into account their legal standing in the various eras. From mostly unpublished documents edited by K. A. Schaab. […] PhD, Vice President of the former Grandd[uchy]’s district court of Mainz, Knight of the Grand Duchy of Hesse’s Ludwig Order of the first class.) Mainz; 1855; Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 8/15/2019 ADD PAGE #