Jun. 14, 1498

“Governmental-Ordinance” issued by the Councils, Prelates, Knights […] as per Eberhard I, Duke of Württemberg’s will [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Württemberg]: “[…] the accepting of usury by Jews […] does not only spur and displeases God by nature but also the Christian order, and basically destroys the poor-men and [Our] subjects […] that is why we wish in honor of God […] that Jews shall not be kept/tolerated in Württemberg [… and that subjects shall not borrow money from Jews on any immovable property…].” [Researcher’s note: The above governmental ordinance was issued according to Eberhard I’s will after his death.]
Geschichte der Juden in Württemberg in ihrem Verhältniß zum Staat, bis 1806. von Johannes Fallati. (History of Jews in Württemberg in their relationship to the state, until 1806.) (Tübingen; 1852); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 1/5/2020 ADD PAGE #