May 3, 1500

“Ordinance” issued by the Moravian government [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia/Moravia]: “[…] if [a] Jew wishes to lend someone money, this may not take place without the knowledge (and consent) of the bailiff or the aldermen of the community to which the lender belongs to; […] Jews may not have business-dwellings/stores in villages, but only in cities markets; [… a] Jew may only take 2 Gulden from each 10 Gulden in interests. […]” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Czech text both of which can be found in the cited source.]
Zur Geschichte der Juden in Böhmen, Mähren und Schlesien von 906 bis 1620. Herausgegeben von Gottlieb Bondy, em. Präsidenten der Handels- und Gewerbekammer in Prag. Zur Herausgabe vorbereitet und ergänzt von Franz Dworsky, em. Director des Landesarchivs des Königreiches Böhmens. I. 906 bis 1576. (Prag; 1906); (Regarding the history of Jews in Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia from 906 to 1620. Published by Gottlieb Bondy, fo[rmer] President of the Trade and Commerce and Industry in Prague. Prepared for publication and supplemented by Franz Dworsky, fo[rmer] Director of the National Archives of the Kingdom of Bohemia. I. 906 to 1576.); (Prague; 1906); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 5/28/2019 ADD PAGE #