ca. 1535 C.E.

[Possible/Probable] “Toll/Customs Ordinance” (Zollordnung) of Kintzheim (‘Kungßheim’), year 1535* [Present-day France] [Provisional]: “16) Addendum. No toll/customs officer shall permit a Jew or Jewess to pass through without paying a toll [of 2 [Gulden]; [a] dead Jew, if he crosses pays 1 fl [Gulden].” [Researcher’s note:  It appears that #16 was an addendum to the original text. The exact date for this ordinance has been lost. Experts place it around 1535.]
Oberrheinische Stadtrechte. Dritte Abteilung: Elsässische Rechte. Veröffentlich von der Kommission zur Herausgabe Elsässischer Geschichtsquellen. Schlettstadter Stadtrechte bearbeitet von Joseph Gény. Zweite Hälfte. (“Upper Rhinian City Laws. Third Division. Alsatian laws. Published by the Commission for the Publication of Alsatian Historical Sources. City Laws of Sélestat edited by Joseph Gény. Second Half.”); (Heidelberg; 1902); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 10/7/2018