Feb. 19, 1537

“Announcement” of Sigismund I for Posen [Present-day Poland]: “1) Jews, who possess houses and places in the district that is within the jurisdiction of the city [which have not been given with the approval of the local authorities …] are to sell these to Christians who belong to that jurisdiction within a year or have these confiscated by the local Fiscus/royal treasurer […]. 2) In the future, no Jew is to be permitted to purchase a house [with permission from] the royal/court-judge (‘Schloßrichter’), only from the mayor. […] 6) Jews may not purchase houses which are under the city’s jurisdiction without the permission of the mayor [lest they be confiscated to the advantage of the royal treasury …]. 8) On Fridays, Jews are not to roam around in droves, but rather to stay quiet before their homes and the synagogue [because otherwise, they could agitate the common folk resulting in street riots …]” [Researcher’s note: The above is a translation of a German summary of the original Latin text.]
Historisch-Statistisches Bild der Stadt Posen, wie sie ehedem d. H. Vom Jahre 968-1793 beschaffen war, von Joseph Lukaszewicz. Aus dem Polnischen übersetz von L. Königl. Im Jahre 1846, revidiert und berichtigt von Prof. Dr. Tiesler. (Historical-Statistical picture of the city of Posen, as it used to be [structured], namely between 968-1793 by Joseph Lukaszewicz. Translated from Polish … in 1846, revised and corrected by Prof. Tiesler, PhD.); (Posen; 1878); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 5/25/2020 ADD PAGE #