Jul. 28, 1543

“Enactment/decree” issued by the (City) Council of Wroclaw [Present-day Poland]: “[…] Henceforth, no Jew […] is to be tolerated inside or outside of the annual market in Wroclaw […] and anyone who accommodates one publicly or secretly is to receive serious punishment.”
Acta Publica. Verhandlungen und Correspondenzen der schlesischen Fürsten und Stände. Namens des Vereins für Geschichte und Alterthum Schlesiens herausgegeben von Dr. Julius Krebs, ord. Lehrer des Roalgymnasiums am Zwinger. VI Band: Die Jahre 1626-1627. (Breslau; 1885); (Official/public Acts. Negotiations and correspondence between the Silesian princes and the estates [of the realm]. Name of the Association for History and Antiquity of Silesia edited by Julius Krebs, PhD., proper/full-time teacher at Roalgymnasium at Zwinger. VI volume. The years 1626-1627.) (Wroclaw; 1885); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 4/17/2020 ADD PAGE #