Jun. 12, 1568

“General Mandate” issued by Maximilian II [Present-day Austria; Grand-Duchy of Austria]: “We, Maximilian, the other, by the grace of God, Roman emperor […] order all and every prelate, count, lord, knight […] in Our Lower-Austrian domains […] not to permit Jews to take excessive [… and] usurious interests on loans from Our (Christian] subjects […] but to rather put an end [to such dealings …]. [Henceforth] Jews in the domain are to be completely and strictly prohibited to make usurious money loans, and only engage in modest trade with [actual] merchandize […]. Those who act in violation of this order are to receive a fine or corporal punishment in accordance with their transgression. […]”
Urkunden und Akten zur Geschichte der Juden in Wien. Erste Abteilung. Allgemeiner Teil 1526-1847 (1849). Herausgegeben und eingeleitet von A. F. Pribram. Erster Band. (Wien und Leipzig; 1918); (Official documents and files regarding the history of Jews in Vienna. First section, General part 1526-1847 (1849). Published and introduced by A. F. Pribram. First volume.); (Vienna and Leipzig; 1918); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 2/22/2020 ADD PAGE #