Aug. 6, 1568

Peddling Prohibition for Jews in Mining-Towns (“Bergstädten”) issued by Emperor Maximilian II [Present-day Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary]: “[…] Jews are prohibited from entering mining-towns and from trading and doing business in them, […] Jews, who dwell in mining-town of the Kingdom of Bohemia and its domains, are to be removed without further ado within a month, and those who have been found to have violated this decree and entered the mines after the [above] allocated time period, or even found to be present there, are to be arrested immediately and punished in seriousness – physically and materially (‘an Leib und Gut’). […]” [Researcher’s note: Similar decrees were re-issued on Nov. 22, 1796, June 18, 1802* and May 10, 1815. *In the mandate of 1802, it is determined that if a Jew is found to violate the ban on peddling, he is to – aside of being imprisoned – be fined 5 Gulden the first time; 10 fl. the second time and 20 Reichsthaler with his 3rd offence. It is also determined that should the mining officials and magistrate in charge of this mandate fail to oversee and implement this mandate, they shall be fined 10 Reichsthaler – on a case by case basis – payable to the Institute of the Poor (‘Armeninstitute’).]
Systematische Darstellung aller über den Hausir-Handel bestehenden kaiserl. Königl. österreichischen Gesetze und Verordnungen verfaßt on Friedrich Selner (“Systematic Representation of all Imperial Royal Austrian Laws and Ordinances regarding Peddling written/compiled by Friedrich Selner”; (1847); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 7/4/2017 ADD PAGE #