ca. 1580

[Possible/Probable] “Toll/Tax” Ordinance (Zollordnung) of Seefeld, year 1580 [Present-day Austria] [Provisional]: “A Jew passing through pays one Gulden*.” [Researcher’s note: It appears that there was no attempt made to distinguish between Jews on foot and those on horseback in Seefeld in terms of the payment that was required. *A Gulden was a historical German and Dutch gold coin. 1 Gulden was worth about 300 Pfennigs/pennies at the time, making Seefeld one of the more expensive border/toll crossing in the region for Jews.]
Studien zur Geschichte und Gesellschaft Vorarlbergs. Regionalstudie zur Geschichte einer Weltanschauung [-] Antisemitismus in Vorarlberg. Herausgegeben von Werner Dreier in Zusammenarbeit mit der Johann-August-Malin-Gesellschaft.  Gedruckt mit Unterstützung des Bundesministeriums für Wissenschaft und Forschung in Wien, des Landes Voralberg, der Landeshauptstadt Bregenz sowie der Stadt Hohenems. (“Studies Regarding the History and Society of Voralberg. A Regional study Regarding the History of a Weltanschauung [-] Anti-Semitism in Voralsberg. Published by Werner Dreier in Cooperation with the Johann-August-Malin-Society. Printed with the support of the Federal Ministry for Science and Research in Vienna, the State of Voralberg, State Capital of Bregenz and the City of Hohenems.”); (Bregenz; 1988); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 10/5/2018