May 2, 1612

“Resolution Regarding Appropriate Behavior for the Jews” issued by the Magistrates of Amsterdam, 5/2/1612* [Present-day Holland]: “[…] It has been found that some among them [Jews] exercise very great and unchecked license to visit and converse with the women and daughters of these lands: this not only causes great vexation in the City and its environs, but also produces other harmful results. There is no longer any intention of tolerating this, but to punish appropriately the offenses that have been committed. […] they [Jews] will be admonished not to speak or to write, and to ensure that nothing be spoken or written, which could in any way serve to harm our Christian faith; nor to entice any Christian person away from our Christian faith or to circumcise such a person, not to have sexual intercourse with any Christian women or daughters in or out of wedlock, even if they are of ill repute. […]  It is the intention of the Magistrate of the Court to proceed severely against offenders and violators of the Christian Religion […]. The excuse of ignorance will not be accepted. [Researcher’s note: Initial document has been lost. The resolution was reissued in November of 1616.]
Rader Marcus, Jacob and Marc Saperstein: The Jews in Christian Europe. (2015); Researched by Ziba Shadjaani 11/19/2016 ADD PAGE #