Jun. 2, 1638

Decree of “Jurisdiction regarding ‘Business doings'” (Handlungsgewölbe)* issued on behalf of the Kaiser by the Lower-Austrian government to the municipal authorities (Magistrat) of Vienna [Habsburg Empire; Present-day Austria]: “[…] His Royal Majesty, […] also to Hungary and Bohemia and Archduke of Austria […] has ordered that all Jews – without exception – are to surrender to local authorities (Magistratum) […] and that no Jew is to own more than two “Gewölber”* for the keeping of those goods the Christians have pawned off to them; otherwise, they are to be kept away from the city by all means, and no one (Jew) is to be allowed back in, and they are not to be tolerated in the court or the castle; instead, all access is to be denied to them altogether. This order is valid for Vienna and in other parts of the land.” [Researcher’s note: *Translator believes this word might mean some kind of place that allowed Jews to store the items the Christians would pawn off to them, or it could be related to the word ‘Gewerbe,’ which refers to ‘businesses’ in general.]
Braumüller, Wilhelm: Urkunden und Akten zur Geschichte der Juden in Wien. Erste Abteilung. Allgemeiner Teil 1526-1847. Erster Band. (Wien) 1918. p. 125, Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 2/25/2016 ADD ENGLISH TRANSLATION