Aug. 12, 1641

“Decree” issued by the Vicegerent(s)/Governor(s) (‘Statthalter’) of Elbogner [Present-day Czech Republic]: “[…] permission is granted so that the properly authorized deportation of Jews is not prevented by the commanders* or anyone else – under any pretext whatsoever. [Researcher’s note: *The Jews who had previously been able to enter the city of Elbogner with the support of military commanders were legally forced out of the city with this ordinance.]
Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Juden in the Cechoslov. Republik; I Jahrgang. Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Samuel Steinherz; (Prag; 1929); (Society for History of the Jews in the Czech Republic; Year’s Issue 1929; Published by Prof. Dr. Samuel Steinherz); (Prague; 1929); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 8/20/2017 ADD PAGE #