Feb. 26, 1651

Order by Luis XIV  to the Marquis of Tilladet introducing the decree of expulsion of the Jews from Alsace. [Alsace-France]: “Not wishing to suffer because of the Jews living in Brizac, nor in the other places of my kingdom, now that this city is united with my crown, I will give you this letter to order you. . . that you must make exit from Brizac those who are currently there.”
“Documents Inédits Concernant l’Histoire de France: Et Particulièrment l’Alsace et Son Gouvernement Sous le Regne de Louis XIV.” (“Unpublished Documents Concerning the History of France: And Particularly Alsace and His Government Under the Rule of Louis XIV.”) By C. Vanhuffel. Accessed online; Researched and Translated by Cristina Penland 8/11/2019 ADD PAGE #