Mar. 28, 1692

Wuerzburg: Jews are to be judged legally (not to let normal citizens penalize the offences of the Jews) Johann Gottfrid, bishop of Wuerzburg and earl of Franken [Germany]: “Wuerzburg 1692 – Johann Gottfrid, bishop of Wuerzburg and earl of Franken, chosen by god’s grace, commands the following: The Jews living in Wuerzburg have complained about the fact that citizens of Wuerzburg are punishing them violently since the decree of September 26, 1691, has been released. This edict stated that Jews are not allowed to trade in public on Sundays and Feast days. Citizens of Wuerzburg now complained that the Jews are not sticking to that rule mainly because most fairs take place on that day. Citizens, who find Jews impinging against this law, often throw stones at the Jews. We therefore determine, that peddling is forbidden on Sundays and Feast days, as is commercial trading of wares on these days. Carrying on a trade on those days is only allowed during the time of the holy mass in one’s own house. Therefore I command every trader, administrator, lord protector, major and the court to punish the Jews for abusing the law of September 26, 1691, but not to let normal citizens penalize the offences of the Jews, whether they are guilty or not. Jews are to be judged legally. Signed in our royal capital, Wuerzburg, March 28, 1692.”
Decrees Collection, AR 379, Leo Baeck Institute Archive, New York. Researched/Received Translation from Leo Baeck Institute 1/7/2015 NEED MORE INFORMATION (ITEM NAME – PAGE # – RESEARCHER/DATE)