ca. 1693

[Possible/Probable] “Jewish Legislation” issued in Yiddish by the Bishoprics* of Metz [Papal France; Present-day France]: “It has also been decided that all women ought to wear a cloak and veil when going to the synagogue. Women who are not yet fifteen years old may go to the synagogue without a cloak or veil, but as soon as they reach the age of fifteen thy are subject to the rule […]. It is necessary to add that all fashionable styles of arranging their hair or those recently devised are also forbidden.” [Researcher’s note: *The exact date of this ordinance is unknown. **A Bishoprics is the office of the Bishop held by a “prince-bishop” who was also the civil ruler of a secular principality. A prince-bishop was usually considered an elected monarch.]
Rader Marcus, Jacob and Marc Saperstein: The Jews in Christian Europe. (2015); Researched by Ziba Shadjaani 11/17/2016