Jul. 3, 1698

“Regarding the Accis”* of Jews issued by Johann Gottfried, Bishop of Würzburg [Present-day Germany; Prince-Bishopric of Würzburg]: “[…] His most-esteemed Prince and Lord, Lord Johann Gottfried, Bishop of Würzburg and Duke of Franconia [waves the various common taxes and levies for most subjects …] Jews [on the other hand] are to keep only the first two front quarters of each cattle accis/tax-free, for home consumption; the rest of the meat, however, is to be taxed 1 penny per pound of meat […]” [Researcher’s note: *Accis (latin) was an indirect form of taxation.]
Thesavrvs Ivris Franconic, Oder Sammlung theils gedruckter theils ungedruckter Abhandlungen, Dissertationen, Programmen, Gutachten, Gesätze, Urkunden, usw. welches das Fränkische und besonders hochfürstliche Wirzburgische Geistliche, Weltliche, Bürgerliche, Peinliche, Polizey- und Kammerrecht erläutern usw. Des Zweyten Abschnittes eilftes Heft. (Wirzburg; 1789); (Thesaurus/Catalogue of Franconia. Or a collection of partly printed, partly unprinted treatises, dissertations, programs, expert reports, laws, and legal documents, etc. which explain church-, secular-, civil-, penal-, police-, and chamber-laws in Franconia, and especially in the Prince-Bishopric of Würzburg. The second part of the eighteenth booklet.”); (Würzburg; 1789); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 4/6/2020 ADD PAGE #