Nov. 20, 1699

Writ of the High-Consistory [Present-day Germany]: “[…] The blasphemous religious practice of Jews cannot be tolerated in good conscience by the local Christian authorities. The Jews practice hideous idolatry and blasphemy, and if one allows them to do this, God’s great wrath and punishment may be on us. They bring great harm by taking advantage of the people, through excessive usury, and with bad trade and business [practices]. […] Any authority/government, who permits/admits Jews will stand in judgment before Christ [one day] and must help bear the guilt. Religious services of Jews cause turmoil in Christians who are exposed to it/attend it. That is why the Jews should not be allowed to practice their religious services publicly or secretly.”
Lehmann, Emil: Der polnische Resident Berend Lehmann, der Stammvater der israelitischen Religionsgemeinde zu Dresden. Von seinem Ur- Ur- Urenkel. (E. Pierson) Dresden 1885. Abgedruckt in: Emil Lehmann, Gesammelte Schriften. (The Polish resident Berend Lehmann, the progenitor of the Israeli religious community in Dresden. From his great-great-great-grandson. (E. Pierson); (Dresden; 1885). Printed in Emil Ehemann, Collected Writings); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 5/14/2020