Mar. 6, 1702

“Prince-Electoral Clarification regarding Edict of October 31, 1701″ issued by King George [Present-day Germany, England, Ireland; Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg (Hanover)]: “By the grace of God, We, George (‘Georg Ludwig’), Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg, Prince-Elector (‘Churfürst’) of the Holy Roman Empire […] let is be know herewith [… that the edict of October 31, 1701…] applies to foreign, non-local Kramers and Jews, but also to local Jews who have not received protection from us […]. Magistrates and officers of each place are to pay close attention so that no fraud is committed and that foreign tradesmen or Jews, who are not entitled to trade and to do business in the land do not sneak in and do the aforementioned and trade and do business through peddling on the countryside, specifically, with cloths and fabrics […]”
XCIII. Chur-und Fürstl. Braunschweig-Lünebürgische Landes Constitutiones und Verordnungen welche in denen vorigen beiden Vouminibus nicht enthalten. (XCIII. State Constitution and ordinances of the Prince-Electorate of Brunswick-Lüneburg which are not contained in the first two volumes); (Hannover; 1711); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 11/19/2019 ADD PAGE #