May 19, 1704

Decretal issued by Friedrich I, King of Prussia to the citizenry of Friedrichstadt [Present-day Germany]: “His Royal Majesty in Prussia, our most merciful Lord, hereby resolves, that since the Jew Joseph Jacob will not replace the house sold to the supplicant by buying another, he shall be permitted, on account of thus not increasing the number of Jew-houses, to re-sell the house to the Jew Hem Ephraim.”
Mylius, Christian Otto (ed.). Corpus Constitutionum Marchicarum, Oder Königl. Preußis. und Churfürstl. Brandenburgische in der Chur- und Marck Brandenburg, auch incorporirten Landen publicirte und ergangene Ordnungen, Edicta, Mandata, Rescripta etc. (Collected Laws of the Mark, or Royal Prussian and Prince-Electoral Brandenburgian Ordinances, Edicts, Mandates, Rescripts etc., Published and Ordained in the Electorate and Mark Brandenburg, as well as Incorporated Lands) Buchladen des Waysenhauses: Berlin, 1737. Vol. 2, Col. 145. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 9/25/2019