May 16, 1705

“Patent regarding a body-tax for Jews” issued by Count von Wartenberg on behalf of Frederick I of Prussia [Present-day Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Russia; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[…] all Jews are to present their passports and letters/patents of protection (residency permits) at all local toll-crossings and even if they are not protected, they are to pay the body-tax; […] and in places where the mail-office and toll-office are the same, the Jews are to show their passports and letters/patents of protection (‘Schutz-Patente’) to the post-master […who is] to collect the body-toll from the unprotected [Jews]. […]” [Researcher’s note: Johann Kasmir Kolbe von Wartenberg was a count and Minister-President/Prime Minister of Prussia.]
Des Corporis Constitvtionvm Marchicarvm. Vierdter Theil. Von Zoll- Jagd- Holz- Forst- Wald- Post- Vorspann- Müntz- Salz- Salpeter- und Bergwercks- auch Domänen Pacht- und anderen Aemter- Damm- und Teich-Sachen, Accis-Wesen, Bier- und Mahl-Ziese oder  Scheffelsteuer, Kriegs und Mahl-Metze, auch Mühlen- und Brau-Sachen, Marinen- oder Chargen- und Recrüten-Caffe, Stempel-Papier, gestempelten carten u. In fünff Abtheilungen. Kaiserlich königliche Hofbibliothek.  (“The constitution of the margraviate. Fourth division. Regarding domains pertaining to tolls/customs, hunting, wood, forest, post, leasing, mint, salt, salpeter, and mining and other offices such as dam and pond matters, as well as milling and brewing, marine, charging and recruiting cafes, stamp-paper, and stamped cards etc. In five divisions. Royal Imperial Court Library.”); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 9/5/2019 ADD PAGE #