Aug. 12, 1710

“General Edict regarding foreign and un-escorted Jews” issued by George I (‘Georg Ludewig’) [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Brunswick-Lüneburg]: “We, Georg Ludewig, Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg by the grace of God, […declare …] As far as Jews are concerned […] and in order that no contagious pests are carried in, we repeated and order not only the expulsion of all unprotected Jews [as per previous ordinances] and that they should no longer be tolerated, but we also order with all earnestness that no foreign or beggar-Jews shall be permitted to pass through [except those with permits ….]”
Continuatio Verwichenen 1716ten Jahrs im Druck herausgekommen zu den hiesigen Kantzley- und Policey-Ordnung gehörigen Supplementi, (Constitution of this past year 1716 which were published regarding the current chancellery and police ordinances and all supplemented laws relating to these.) Celle; 1719; Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 10/26/2019 ADD PAGE #