Aug. 27, 1711

“Ordinance” issued by the Cathedral-Chapter [Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg; Present-day Germany]: “[…] however, the trade with food items and drinks – especially green and dehydrated fruit […] agricultural products […] and perishable food items are to remain off-limits (prohibited) to the Jewry.  […]” [Researcher’s note: While Jews had various restrictions placed on them when it came to trading with food items, non-Jewish subjects of the Prince-Bishopric were permitted to sell grain, dehydrated fruit and/or other agricultural products that they could not sell themselves through Jewish middlemen. According to Hofmann, the original ordinance can be found at the State Archive of Bamberg B26c 33a, fol. 21v022r.]
Hofmann, Jochen Alexander: Obstlandschaften 1500-1800: Historische Geographie des Konsums, Anbaus und Handels von Obst in der Frühen Neuzeit (Fruit Landscapes 1500-1800: Historical Geography of Consumption, Cultivation and Trade of Fruit in the Early Modern Period); (Bamberg; 2014); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 5/21/2018 ADD PAGE #