Jun. 3, 1715

“Ordinance” of Prince-Elector Maximilian II of Bavaria [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Bavaria]: “Jews shall take only 9 percent in interests; and regarding sums that are less than 30 Thaler, [they shall take] weekly no more than one penny per Thaler […] Jews may not publicly trade on Sundays and holy-days […] They may not live together with Christians […] they may not purchase houses or issue any receipts in Hebrew […] Jews may not hire Christian wet-nurses […] they may not live close to any churches […] and they must live according to the constitution.”
Die Provinzial- und statutarischen Rechte in der preußischen Monarchie. Dargestellt vom wirklichen Geheimen Rath von Kamptz. Zweiter Theil. Die Provinzen: Pommern und Westphalen. (The provincial and legal statutes of the Prussian monarchie. Presented by the true secret council von Kamptz. Second Volume. The provinces: Pomerania and Westphalia.); (Berlin; 1827); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 5/24/2019 ADD PAGE #