Oct. 30, 1717

Royal Letter of Protection, issued by Friedrich Wilhelm I, King of Prussia [Present-day Germany]: “[…] Also, in those towns where there is only one Christian, or none, involved in the trade of [raw] materials, a Jew living there shall be permitted to spices; on the other hand, in those localities where two or more Christians trade in materials or spices, the Jews must refrain from any spice trading […]. Every Jew who lends money against collateral has a duty to keep a correct pawn-book, into which those who give him collateral must enter what they pawned and how much money they received for it, and on which date, and in which year, this took place. [T]hose Jews who negotiate with our Christian subjects, may not take more than 10 per cent in annual interest, under penalty of loss of the whole sum of the loan. [The Jews] shall not be allowed to export any uncoined silver, be it molten or unmolten; instead, they shall sell it to the royal mint […].”
Mylius, Christian Otto (ed.). Corpus Constitutionum Marchicarum, Oder Königl. Preußis. und Churfürstl. Brandenburgische in der Chur- und Marck Brandenburg, auch incorporirten Landen publicirte und ergangene Ordnungen, Edicta, Mandata, Rescripta etc. (Collected Laws of the Mark, or Royal Prussian and Prince-Electoral Brandenburgian Ordinances, Edicts, Mandates, Rescripts etc., Published and Ordained in the Electorate and Mark Brandenburg, as well as Incorporated Lands. Buchladen des Waysenhauses: Berlin, 1737. Vol. 2, Col. 171.); Researched by Dominik Jacobs 9/27/2019