Jan. 5, 1718

“Edict (‘Edictum’) issued by the local authorities of Brunswick-Lüneburg” [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg]: “[…] no Jew shall be permitted to purchase property/real estate (‘immobilia’) or to lend considerable sums of money against them […].”
Chur-Braunschweig-Lüneburgische Landes-Ordnung und Gesetze, und zwar Capvt Tertivm worinn enthalten bis das Militar – Wesen angehende Verordnungen. Zum Gebrauch der Fürstenthümer, Graf- und Herrschaften Calenbergischen Theils. (Local/land ordinances and laws of the [Elector]-Principality of Brunswick-Lüneburg, namely the third part, which contain the ordinances that pertain to the military. For the use of the principalities, counties and lordships of Calenberg.); (Göttingen; 1740); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 10/9/2019 ADD PAGE #