Dec. 15, 1718

Decree, passed by the City Council of Augsburg [Present-day Germany]: “1. All neighboring and foreign, young and old Jews and Jewesses, except those with special escorts on account of highly important matters, shall, from now on, be excluded from this city and kept away from it, and all citizens and residents are instructed, under threat of mandatory and serious punishment, to refrain from allowing any such Jews under their roof, nor any of their wares. 2. All Jews and Jewesses without special authorization are, from now on, prohibited to have any dealings or contracts with the citizens and residents of this city, be it in public or private, the only exception being open trade in the annual markets.”
“Es hat zwar ein Hoch-Edler und hochweiser Rath dieser deß Heil. Reichs Stadt Augspurg… [Although a Highly Noble and Highly Wise Council of this City of Augsburg, of the Holy Empire, hath…],” 12/15/1718; Decrees Collection; AR 379; Box 1; Folder 66; Leo Baeck Institute. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 12/9/2019