ca. 1722

[Possible/Probable] Decree issued by Frederick William I [Prussia / Germany] 

Commentary from other sources:
“In 1722, he [King Frederick William I] decreed that Jews could marry only if they purchased from him a certain number of wild boars. The king knew that Jews were not permitted to eat pork; the law was a way of showing his contempt even as he extorted money from them. It was a malicious and expensive ‘joke’ at Jews’ expense.”

Phyllis Goldstein: “A Convenient Hatred: The History of Antisemitism.” p. 162

2) “This hard-boiled statement of the earthy, shrewd, and domineering Frederick William’s views on his realm and how he aimed to govern it flowed from his pen when his son, the future Frederick  the Great, was but ten years old. It was meant to be read upon its author’s death, which did not occur until eighteen years later. The Prussian king’s deep religiosity pervades the text, but so does his religious bigotry toward Catholics and Jews… [Later, the King speaks to his son, the future King, about the Jews:] The Jews.  As to the Jews, there are, unfortunately, very many in our lands who have no letters of protection from me. Those you must chase out of the country, because the Jews are locusts in a country and ruin the Christians. I beseech you to issue no new letters of protection, even if they offer you large sums for them, because it will be a great damage to you and the ruin of your
subjects. [ . . . ]”
“German History in Documents and Images, Vol. 2, From Absolutism to Napoleon, 1648-1815 – The Political Testament of Frederick William I (‘the Soldier King’)” (February 17, 1722) Online article; pp. 7-8