May 10, 1723

“Writ” of Franz Ludwig, Archbishop and Prince-Elector [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Trier]: “[…] Chapter I. Regarding the [escort]permits and tolls of Jews. 1) No Jew or Jewess shall be present or settle in Our principally of Trier or risk the sure loss of all of his/her assets/property and in order to avoid corporal punishment. 2) We wish to permit no more than 160 [Jewish] families in our Upper and Lower Arch-Stift* […] 4) We wish that no Jew is to be issued a permit in our Arch-Shift, who does not have proof of at least five-hundred Rthlr [Reichsthaler] in assets […] Chapter II. Regarding the clothing, exchange, and apartments/living quarters. Jews who have received our escort (protection) […] their wives and children are to refrain from wearing expensive velvet and silk dresses, or lace and gold or silver straps or buttons on their dresses or coats […], 3) Jews are not to live with Christians under the same roof […]” [Researcher’s note: A Stift was an independent territory within the Holy Roman Empire. The above regulation of Archbishop Franz Ludwig consists of XIII “chapters” each consisting of several paragraphs. It has been abbreviated here to fit the allocated space.]
Sammlung der Gesetze und Verordnungen, welche in dem vormaligen Churfürstenthum Trier über Gegenstände der Landeshoheit, Verfassung, Verwaltung und Rechtspflege ergangen sind, vom Jahre 1310 bis zur Reichs-Deputations-Schluß-mäßigen Auflösung des Churstaates Trier am Ende des Jahres 1802. Im Auftrage des königlich preußischen hohen Staats-Ministeriums zusammengetragen und herausgegeben von J. J. Scotti, königlich preußischer Regierungs-Sekretär. Zweiter Theil, vom Jahre 1701 bis zum Jahre 1768, und von Nr. 300 bis Nr. 658. (“Collection of laws and ordinances, which were previously issued in the Electorate of Trier in terms of national sovereignty, the constitution, administration of justice from 1310 until the Reichs-Deputation-Final-Disbandment of the Electorate of Trier at the end of 1802. By the other of the royal Prussian Supreme State Ministry and compiled and published by J. J. Scotti, Royal Prussian Government Secretary. Part Two, from 1701 to 1768, and No. 300 to No. 658.”); (Düsseldorf; 1832); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 9/29/2019 ADD PAGE #