Jan. 15, 1726

“Prohibition [to engage in] Usury for Jews” issued by the Mayor and City Council of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “We, Mayor and Council of the Holy Imperial City of Frankfurt (‘am Mayn’) announce and make known to everyone wherewith: […] that all kramers, inn-keepers, craftsmen, and other common folk shall appear in front of Our mayor and report all contracts [between them and Jews…] which shall be entered into a special book […] all [debts] which have been issued after March 1 […] not in the aforementioned manner shall neither be recognized/honored by Our mayor […] nor by the honorary-Judge—Council (‘Schöffen-Rath’) but be deemed void and invalid […] the Jewry is to abide by this order to avoid loss. […]” [Researcher’s note: The above has been abbreviated to fit the allocated space. The full text can be found in the cited source.]
Sammlung der Verordnungen der Reichsstadt Frankfurt von Joh. Conr. Beyerbach. Erster Theil. (Collection of ordinance of the Imperial City of Frankfurt by Joh. Conr. Beyerbach. First part.); (Frankfurt am Main; 1798); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 1/11/2020 ADD PAGE #