Jun. 30, 1727

“Patent” issued by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI [Karl VI] [Present-day Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary]: “[….] The Jews are to remain in their houses during Christian funeral or public devotionals and processions and to block/close all openings. […] On Sundays and public holidays Jews are to close their (junk) shops (‘Kramladen’) and vaults/businesses and to refrain from doing trading [or doing any business] […] and they shall not dispense/give brandy during church services. […]”
Dr. Johnn Luksche’s, weiland kaiserl. mähr. schles. Appelationsrathes, Besondere Rechte der Personen Mährens Dr. Joh. Luksche’s, weiland kaiserl. mähr. schles. Appelationsrathes, Besondere Rechte der Personen Mährens und Schlesiens, vorzüglich in politischer Hinsicht. Zweiter Band; (Brünn, 1844); (Dr. Joh. Lutsche’s Weiland Imper[ial], Moravia[n], Silesia[n] Council of Appellations, Special Rights of Persons of Moravia and Silesia, especially in political terms. Vol. II); (Brünn; 1844); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 7/29/2017 ADD PAGE #