Aug. 5, 1727

“Ordinance” of Emperor Karl II [Present-day Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic; Germany, Hungary, etc.; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] 2) By the order of the highest authorities in the ordinances from August 5, 1727, March 27, 1736, and September (‘Herbstmonat’) 1, 1740, Jews are prohibited from engaging in any kind of salt-trade […]. However, since these ordinance were publicized a long time ago and may no longer be remembered by the authorities, they are re-publicized hereby [and distributed] to the royal regional authorities so that they are prevented from suffering any [potential] harm. Ordinance from April 26, 1787.”
Blasek, Johann: Auszug aller im Königreiche Böhmen bestehenden Verordnungen und Gesetze nach Johann Roths; (Excerpts of all Existing Ordinances and Laws in the Kingdom of Bohemia According to Jahann Roth); (Vol. 5); (Prague; 1817); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 7/3/2017 ADD PAGE #