May 17, 1737

“General Ordinance” of the Pomeranian Chamber [Present-day Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Switzerland; Kingdom of Prussia]: “[…] all Jews are prohibited from engaging in any kind of wool production […] and shall be punished with three years of hard-labor (‘Festungsarbeit’)* and expulsion from the land with wife and child. […]” [Researcher’s note: A similar ordinance was issued earlier on April 24, 1737, affecting the Jews of Berlin while this ordinance’s prohibition was expanded to encompass all Jews in Prussia.]
Zeitschrift des königlich preussischen statistischen Landesamts, Vol. 3; (Berlin, 1863); (Journal/Newspaper of the Royal Prussian Statistical State Office; Vol. 3); (Berlin; 1863); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 9/5/2017 ADD PAGE #