May 12, 1739

“Ordinance” issued by Johann Adolf von Metsch* on behalf of Charles VII [Present-day Germany; Holy Roman Empire]: “[…] no craftsman, whose annual worth is less than two thousand Gulden shall enter into a debenture/[debt] with a Jew except in court [… Jews] are not to take/charge more interest than legally permitted […] and citizens are ordered to report [any such violation] according to their oath of citizenship [to the authorities…]” [Researcher’s note: Johann Adolf von Metsch was the Imperial-Vice-Chancellor of the Holy Roman Empire.]
Sammlung der Verordnungen der Reichsstadt Frankfurt von Joh. Conr. Beyerbach. Erster Theil. (Collection of ordinance of the Imperial City of Frankfurt by Joh. Conr. Beyerbach. First part.); (Frankfurt am Main; 1798); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 1/11/2020 ADD PAGE #