Mar. 27, 1748

“Tribunal Decree” issued by the Courts and addressed to the Local Authorities (“Kreishauptleute”) [Present-day Czech Republic, Germany]: “[…] the [Jewish] eldest (heads of communities) are to be taken by the head and [remain] arrested (‘arrestlich aufbewahren’) [until they have submitted the required payment. …]” [Researcher’s note: This order was issued after the Jewish community had fallen behind with their payment of the required tax for the import and sale of the “paradise-apple.”]
Scari, von Hieronymus: Systematische Darstellung der in Betreff der Juden in Mähren und in k. k. Antheile Schlesiens Erlassene Gesetze und Verordnungen; (Brünn; 1835); (“Systematic Representation in Regards to the Jews of Moravia and the Laws and Ordinances Issued in the Imperial and Royal[ly Owned] Parts of Silesia”); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 2/3/2018 ADD PAGE #