Dec. 10, 1748

“Silesian Ordinance” issued by the Silesian Government [Present-day Germany; Duchy of Silesia]: “[…] domestic Jews are not permitted to purchase wool except on annual wool markets […however,] in such a way that factory owners and Christians are to be given preference [and] that Jews are only to be able to purchase that which was not sold and was left over, […] to that end, they are not to be permitted in any way to enter into the markets in the morning, but only in the afternoons – during the summer wool markets after 4 p.m. and during the winter wool markets after 2 p.m. – or face a fine. […] Jews are only to be permitted to sell their purchased wool to factory owners in the land, or they will have their wool confiscated or face a substantial fine. […]”
Policey- und Cameral-Magazin in welchem nach alphabetischer Ordnung die vornehmsten und wichtigsten bey dem Policey- und Cameralwesen vorkommende Materien nah richtigen und vernünftigen Grundsätzen praktisch abgehandelt und durch landesherrliche Gesetze und hin und wieder wirklich gemachte Einrichtungen erläutert werden. Fünfter Band welcher J und R enthält herausgegeben von Johann Heinrich Ludwig Bergius; (Frankfurt am Mayn; 1770); (Police and State-Economy Repository/Journal in which principal and most important materials of Police and State Economy have been dealt with [and listed] in alphabetical order and in proper and rational manner and explained through territorial laws and occasionally made real by establishments. Fifth Volume which contains J to R and published by Johann Heinrich Ludwig Bergius); (Frankfurt am/near Main; 1770); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 9/13/2017 ADD PAGE #