Apr. 17, 1750

“General Jew Ordinance,” issued by King Frederick II [Present-day Germany]: “Whenever a Jew in possession of a [letter of] privilege dies, then according to this most merciful order of ours, the privilege is bestowed unto his oldest child, whose brothers and sisters, however, cannot enjoy any further protection of their trading, similar to children other than the oldest who, during the lifetime of the father, get married and have to leave, and not remain with their father, and at the very least cannot engage in trading. Nevertheless, regarding the second and third children of rich Jews, if they get together 1000 Imperial Thalers, they cannot profit from their father’s privilege after his passing, but they should make themselves know[n] as soon as possible and request a special privilege. […] Foreign Jews shall not be permitted to settle anywhere in our lands; however, if such a Jew should truly have a net worth of 10,000 Imperial Thalers and brought this into the country, while also reliably declaring this, an inquiry should be lodged with us, regarding what part thereof ought to be paid to the crown.”
von Coccejus, Samuel (Ed.). Novum Corpus Constitutionum Prussico-Brandenburgensium Praecipue Marchicarum, Oder Neue Sammlung Königl. Preußl. und Churfürstl. Brandenburgischer, sonderlich in der Chur- und Marck-Brandenburg, Wie auch andern Provintzien, publicirten und ergangenen Ordnungen, Edicten, Mandaten, Rescripten … Vom Anfang des Jahrs 1751 und folgenden Zeiten …  Zu Berlin und auswärtigen Orten zu bekommen, bey den Factoren der Königl. Preußischen Academie der Wissenschaften, 1753-1822 (New Collection of Royal Prussian and Electoral-Brandenburgish, particularly Ordinances, Edicts, Mandates and Rescripts published and issued in the Mark Brandenburg, As Well As Other Provinces… From the Beginning of the Year 1751 and Subsequent Times … Available in Berlin and Foreign Townships, at the Factories of the Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences, 1753-1822). Volume 2 (1756-1760). Berlin, 1761. Cols.115ff. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 9/1/2019